Araluen Estate

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Saturday 4 December the Roleystone Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service provided their small red truck and volunteers to guide residents and familiarise them with the two emergency exits from the Estate.
The route proceeded from the top car park, down the side of the 18th and 17th fairways, out via Armenti Road, and then back into the Estate. From there, the route extended up Heritage Drive, down Old Albany Lane, and out of the emergency gate leading onto Wymond Road.
Part of the exercise was to test the idea of the gate being able to be pushed open from within a vehicle, rather than having to manually open it. This the Fire Truck accomplished with ease without damage to the gate or itself, due to the padding provided on the gate.
Please note that the gate is held shut by a slightly raised ledge, which the gate has to be pushed off before it will swing open. Once opened it remained open and did not swing back. If you are first to open it, slow and easy is the method!
If you are unsure of the Emergency Exit routes, please see the page "
Emergency Exits" on this site.