Araluen Estate

Permanent Second Exit

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Don’t Ignore Residents’ Safety Concerns

The Member for Darling Range, Alyssa Hayden MLA, encourages the City of Armadale (“the City”) to review its decision not to consider and accommodate a request by the residents at the Araluen Golf Resort to establish an additional entrance to and exit point from the estate. “On 28 June 2019, I met with a number of residents at one of the estate’s existing emergency exit points on Wymond Road, in order to listen to their concerns and better understand the situation,” Mrs Hayden said.
“The resort’s current access and egress arrangements are deemed insufficient by the residents and pose a real risk to their safety in cases of emergency (e.g. bush fire) – a risk that could be avoided by simply unlocking a gate that restricts access on Wymond Road.
“It’s not just about fire emergencies. I have also been told that a number of ambulances have been delayed due to the locked gate on Wymond Road, with them having to turn around and travel back to gain access at the main entry point.”
“The City has previously acknowledged that if the estate had to go through the current approval process for development, the lack of entry/exit access would prevent its approval.”
The affected residents have begun circulating a petition to be signed by other concerned members of the public, which they intend to submit to the Legislative Council in Parliament for consideration, report and action.
Mrs Hayden said despite the City’s assurance that it takes community safety seriously, it is not meeting the expectations of the residents or offering alternative solutions to the current situation.
Furthermore, the 2011 Special Inquiry and Report of the Perth Hills Bushfire (the “Keelty report”) highlighted, among others, the need for the state to be more adequately prepared for the potential for future hills fires.
“In light of the 2011 bushfire affecting Roleystone and Kelmscott, I’m calling on the City to protect these residents by providing a permanent alternative exit route.
“The City cannot afford to ignore the risks posed by the estate’s current lack of access routes. Failure to act is leaving this community in danger.” Alyssa Hayden MLA 0428 808 000
August Roleystone Courier 2019

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