Araluen Estate

Araluen Estate Progress Association

After nearly seventeen years of working hard to address issues concerning residents of the Araluen Estate and the community in general, the Committee of the AEPA reluctantly made the decision to withdraw from running the Association. Many members of the Committee were there at its foundation, and have worked long and hard to achieve the improvements we all enjoy today. The AEPA, in conjunction with Armadale Council, achieved the following:

  • The addition of white lines on the Estate roads.
  • The installation of “Emergency Exit” signs and the road grading of the emergency exit track to facilitate all types of vehicles.
  • The addition of speed restriction and traffic signs.
  • Working with the City of Armadale and our local Councillor to maintain the stand of trees along the entry of Heritage Drive.
  • Working with the City of Armadale to have the verges cleared from Country Club Avenue to Old Albany Lane to make a safe walkway for pedestrians.
  • The installation of the footpath from the bottom of Heritage Drive to the new car parking bays.
  • Working with the City of Armadale to have dense undergrowth removed from the side of Canning River to reduce the fuel load.
  • Working with the Araluen Golf Resort to communicate with and encourage participation by residents.
  • Building of the four car parking bays by the pedestrian/dog walking track on Heritage Drive.
  • Holding Quiz nights, barbecues and meetings at the Araluen Golf Resort.
  • Bringing guest speakers to our AGMs to pass on information to residents.
  • Holding three “Emergency Exit Drive” outs from the Estate in conjunction with the Roleystone Volunteer Fire Brigade.
  • Helping BRAG to form street groups for the dissemination of Bushfire information and actions.
  • Working with the Araluen Golf Resort and the Roleystone Volunteer Bushfire Brigade in the burning off of vegetation within the estate to reduce fuel loads
  • The implementation of regular checks and maintenance on streetlights within the estate.
  • Providing information to residents on local wildlife
  • Arranging an annual “Clean Up Australia” day.

One of the main objectives of the AEPA has been to have a permanent second exit from the estate. After years of communications with the City of Armadale, we now have the use of Wymond Road, the barrier between it and Old Albany Lane being closed but not locked.

The Committee was extremely proud of what they were able to achieve, helping add to the aesthetics of this beautiful location as well as many significant safety initiatives. We would encourage all residents to continue to be vigilant in advising the City of Armadale of any issues, particularly regarding safety concerns.